How to join - Recoil Scotland | Practical Shooting Scotland | UKPSA

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To get involved you would have to come up and complete a safety induction / assessment, which is roughly 3 hours of training, focusing on the safe movement and handling of a shotgun that’s required for practical shotgun shooting. This costs £50 and with this you get use of the club pump action shotgun, (but if you have a semi then bring it) as well as 50 cartridges. After a successful induction you may be offered membership (of which the first 6 months is probationary) which currently runs at £140 for the year.

We expect that our probationary members would go on to complete a safety course with the UKPSA which would allow you to compete on a national level.
We would expect all probationers to have applied for & be in possession of a SGC certificate by the end of the 6 months probationary period.

You will also be required to sign a Section 21 declaration stating that your not a prohibited person by law.
We also only have the use of club equipment for in the induction only, we don’t have club guns for use on scheduled calendar shoot days

I will let you know when the next induction is going to be held if you want to attend

To enquire contact our membership secretary :
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