Constitution - Recoil Scotland | Practical Shooting Scotland | UKPSA

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Recoil Scotland Constitution

1.The Club shall be called Recoil Scotland and this title shall be adhered to at all times. The club shall have a Chairman, Vice Chairman, membership Secretary, Treasurer, Quartermaster, Communications Officer & as many ordinary committee members as seen fit to run the club.

2.It is the object of the Club to promote and protect the sport of shooting and to encourage marksmanship to the standard of IPSA. (UKPSA / NTSA in the U.K.)

3. The Club committee shall consist of the officers of the club and at least 3 ordinary members. The quorum shall not be less than 5. There shall be quarterly meetings or as required. The Secretary at the request of 3 other committee members may call a meeting on seven days’ notice. All officers and committee members shall hold office for one year and be elected at the AGM. All officers shall be able to hold office for up to three years.

4. The membership & shooting fees will be set at the AGM for the following year.

5. All members shall hold such licenses and certificates as are required by current legislation in order to lawfully participate in the club’s activity they intend to pursue, unless you are a guest using the Clubs equipment and under supervision.

6. No person shall be allowed to participate in any Club shooting activities unless he or she is a fully subscribed member or unless he or she is an official or occasional guest of the club, fully approved by a quorum of the committee, subject to full details of the guest being recorded contemporaneously at the time.

7. The committee’s ruling shall be final in all respects relating to administration of the Club, and the committee from time to time may make rules for the use and maintenance of the Club’s rights and property.

8. The Club shall, on proof to its satisfaction and in absolute discretion have the power to expel any member whomsoever whose conduct (whether by act or omission) it considers to be contrary to the best interests of the Club or detrimental to the good name of the sport of shooting. The member concerned should be given the opportunity to appear before the committee to explain any alleged misconduct.

9. Every member and officer of the Club engaged on any club activity shall carry a current signed membership card, which is not transferrable and must be produced on demand by any Club officers or member of the police, landowner or any authorised person. The Club membership card shall be signed by a Club officer and by the member concerned.

10. The Chairman shall have the power to call a Special General Meeting on a minimum of seven days written notice stating the purpose of the SGM. The Secretary, on receipt of a written request signed by any ¾ of the membership, shall call on at minimum seven days’ notice an SGM. Any such requests shall set out the reasons why such special meeting is to be called and the notice convening the meeting shall state fully the business to be transacted thereat. No other business shall be transacted at such a meeting.

11. Any member who is 8 weeks or more in arrears with their subscription may at the absolute discretion have his or her membership terminated, having first been given prior warning.

12. The AGM shall be held in March and any amendments to the rules of the Club can only be made at this meeting. Any changes or amendments requested by members to be considered at the AGM must be received by the secretary no more than fourteen days prior to the AGM

13. Properly audited accounts shall be published to the members at the AGM. Notice of the AGM shall be given in writing (this includes electronic communication) to all members no less than twenty-one days before such a meeting. The notice shall contain the agenda; no other business (except with the Chairman’s permission) shall be transacted at the AGM.

14. Resolutions at all committee and general meetings shall be decided by a show of hands. The Chairman shall have the casting vote.

15. Every member shall be provided with a copy of the Club rules and shall be bound by the same and any alterations thereof.

16. It is the responsibility of every Club member to report any contravention of the rules to the committee. The Club and landowner shall hold no responsibility in respect of any accident of mishap which may arise out of the activity of members or visitors in any of the shooting ground.

17. Any proposals for membership will only be accepted by a majority of the committee. All applications for membership shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the candidate; the election shall be at the discretion of the committee and the candidate participating in the activities of the club being mandatory.

18. Every club member shall be required to adhere to a minimum visit of 4 times per year. Visits are recorded and any member who has not met this membership criteria, may at the absolute discretion of the committee have their membership terminated, having first been given prior warning.

19. The Club shall be affiliated to UKPSA / IPSC.  And members will be required to have personal membership through this organisation and also their own personal / individual insurance (SACS / BASC etc.)

20. In the event of the club folding all assets, shall be paid to an organisation or registered charity of the committees choosing once all accounts have been settled.

21. The Club condemns the use of drugs in sport and also the consumption of alcohol on the range. Any member suspected of being under the influence of Drugs and or Alcohol will be asked to leave the range.

22. The Club when using ground leased from the landowner shall adhere to all requests made by the landowner and shall welcome any relevant representative from the landowner to sit on the committee and/or attend any of the meetings held by Recoil Scotland.

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